Sunday, August 3, 2008

KoC Covert Level Upgrades

Here is a list of the covert levels, upgrades and uprade costs. The levels and prices apply to all races. [Same for Age 12 Covert level upgrades]

(Click image for larger size)

Total cost for covert level upgrades: 12,276,000 gold.


Axis said...

Hi... i want to know what this covert level multiplies?

Kings Of Chaos Tips said...

The covert level multiplies the strength of your spy/sentry tools together with the total strength of your spies and sentries.

Axis said...

Thanks. Congrats for the blog, the best KoC blog ive seen!!! And you answer very very very fast! Thanks! Im excited with the Beta Age because it has turns every 1 minute xD

Kings of Chaos Tips said...

This coming Age 13, I'll be publishing new blogs, one for each race. Watch out for it! :)

Mizu said...

Is there a difference in Age 13's multiplier calculation follow 2^D D being covert level? since Age 13 goes to 15?

KoC Gold Calculator

Number of Attack Soldiers
Number of Defense Soldiers
Number of Untrained Soldiers
Number of Spies
Number of Sentries
Select Race

Gold Per 30 Minutes