It is possible to gain sab immunity in Kings of Chaos Age X. There is a way for you on how not to be sabotaged. You can be immune from sabotage if the following condition are met:
The gold worth of the least strongest weapon you have in your armory is less than 0.5% of the total gold worth of all the weapons in your armory.
*The basic premise here is that you can only sabotage 1/200th of the total gold worth of your target's armory per turn.
Therefore, if your target has 100 Blackpowder Missiles (BPMs), 50 Invisibility Shields (IS), 10 Nunchakus (N) and 10 Lookout Towers (LTs) in your armory (assuming these are the only weapons in the target's armory):
100 BPMs x 637,500 gold per BPM = 63,750,000 gold
50 IS x 562,500 gold per IS = 28,125,000 gold
10 N x 435,000 gold per N = 4,350,000 gold
10 LTs x 300,000 gold per LT = 3,000,000 gold
Total gold worth of armory = 99,225,000 gold
*Note that the gold value to be used is the resell value of the weapons since the resell value is the actual value for each weapons after being purchased.
Since you can only sabotage 1/200th of the total gold worth of the target's armory per turn:
1/200th of 99,225,000 gold = 496,125 gold
Thus, you can only sabotage weapons in your target's armory that have a worth (or a combined total) of 496,125 gold and LOWER per turn.
From the example above, you can only sabotage either 1 Lookout Tower OR 1 Nunchaku of the target's armory per turn since the gold worth of 1 LT is 300,000 gold while the gold worth of 1 Nunchaku is 435,000 gold, both of which are less than the limit of 496,125 gold.
The total worth of your armory should be 59,700,000 gold at the MOST (assuming you only intend to keep the strongest weapon for each type, meaning BPMs for attack, IS for defense, Nunchakus for spy and LTs for sentry). 1/200th of your armory's value should be at least less 299,999 gold and nothing more since 299,999 gold is LESS THAN the worth of 1 LT.
If, on the other hand, you have other weaker types of weapons such as knives or sticks, you should include them in computing the total gold worth of your armory. Remember, you can only sabotage 1/200th of the total gold value of the target's armory. Meaning, you can NOT sabotage 1/199th of the total gold value of the target's armory.
For guidance, you can view the complete list of the resell values of all the weapons and tools in this page.
And REMEMBER, the computation used here is just for ONE turn per sab attempt.
Say I sabotage 10 of an opponent's blackpowdermissles. Do they just sell 10 bpm and those will be the sabotaged items? Or is it just random and they will never know how much to sell?
Players can only guess how many of their weapons have been sabotaged. However, do note that, say, player 1 sabotaged 10 of player 2's Blackpowder Missiles (BPMs), and player 2 decides to sell 5 BPMs, these sold weapons are the first 5 of the sabotaged items. The remaining 5 are still intact in the armory and, once used, will be effectively wiped out of player 2's armory.
Similarly, if player 2 decides to sell 20 BPMs, all of the BPMs that player 1 was able to sabotage are part of the 20 BPMs that were sold. Thus, the 10 successfully sabotaged BPMs are of no effect.
Dang you respond really fast. Thanks a lot for the tip. Guess it's better to sabotage nunchakus and lookout towers then because they just disappear.
If weapons are sabotaged when will they be used in battle (and after being used to be wiped out): random, first or last? Is there in that a difference between attack and defense weapons?
Is there in that a difference between attack and defense weapons?
Sabotaged weapons will be used in battle FIRST. You can check if your attack weapons were sabotaged after you made an attack against another player. You can see it in the Battle Report page.
You can check if your defense weapons were sabotaged after another player attacked you. You can also check it in the Battle Report page.
Difference? Unless you make an attack on another player, your sabotaged attack weapons are safe. As for your defense weapons, they are safe unless somebody else attacks you.
Is this still the case in Age 13?
Is it seriously this cmplicated?
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