Wednesday, January 7, 2009

KoC Age 11

Kings of Chaos Age 11 has begun. Updates on the previous game version were made. These enhancements include:

  1. E-mail during log-in is no longer required. Only the username and password are needed.
  2. Captcha now appears from time to time.
  3. Attack and recon players with just ONE click.
  4. Clicking on a player's name in the battlefield will show you more info about the player without leaving or reloading the page.
  5. Various interface changes, notably in the command center.
  6. TBG updates: 80 gold for soldiers and 20 gold for coverts.
  7. Maximum unit production per day raised to 640.
  8. Attack turn limit raised to 500.
  9. Dwarves now get 15% income bonus; Elves now get 40% spy bonus; Undead sentry bonus slashed down to 30%.

I'll be posting my views on these changes later. Cheers and have fun playing this age!

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KoC Gold Calculator

Number of Attack Soldiers
Number of Defense Soldiers
Number of Untrained Soldiers
Number of Spies
Number of Sentries
Select Race

Gold Per 30 Minutes