You can choose your own race in Kings of Chaos. Each race has its own bonuses, giving certain advantages, from attack to defense, or from spy to sentry. Choosing a race should depend on your game style so that you can maximize the corresponding bonuse for each race. Here are some tips on what KoC race to choose.

35% Sentry Bonus
50% Fewer Casualties
20% Attack Bonus
If you plan to use your attack turns instead of saving them up, and if you intend to hit elves and humans, it is best for you to choose the Undead race. With 50% fewer casualties, you will lose less soldiers in battle. The 20% attack bonus gives you an edge over other races, specifically Humans and Elves since they have no defense bonus. With 35% sentry bonus, there is less chance for Humans and Elves to sabotage you in retaliation. Dwarves and Orcs also have less chance of seeing your gold in the battlefield.

40% Attack Bonus
20% Defense Bonus
If you plan to consistently use your attack turns and attack high-ranked players with high defense or players who wait for their gold to pile-up before spending them, it is best for you to choose Orcs. The 40% attack bonus gives you maximum damage potential to the enemy, giving more chance to steal gold. Add to that the bonus given by your siege technoloy and the attack rate of Orcs is taken to a whole new level. Orcs are ideal for attacking and stealing gold from top players. The 20% defense bonus gives a slight protection against attacks from other players who might be seeing the gold you have stolen from other players.

25% Income Bonus
15% Spy Bonus
If you plan to use your attack turns every now and then and scout for targets in the battlefield, it is best to choose Humans. The 25% income bonus provides the gold you need to spend on a wide range of weapons, from defense to attack and from spy to sentry. Beware, though, because Humans are potential farm targets because of their high income, especially Humans with huge armies. You can decide, however, to minimize the number of soldiers you have in order to prevent being farmed. It is in my belief that the Human race is the most well-rounded race. Humans can become stout defenders by purchasing more defense weapons and sentry tools. They can also become huge attackers by purchasing more attack weapons and spy tools.

35% Spy Bonus
40% Fewer casualties
If you intend to focus on spying and sabotaging other players, as well as on breaking the sabotaged defense weapons of your enemies, it is best for you to choose Elves. The 35% spy bonus gives you a big advantage in terms of seeing the gold of other players in the battlefield and sabotaging the weapons of your enemies. With 40% fewer casualties, you will be losing less soldiers when you attack other players for gold or for breaking the weapons you have sabotaged.

50% Defense Bonus
10% Income Bonus
If you intend to stack-up your attack turns, if you check your account for the purpose of spending your gold, or if you log-in to your account rarely, it is best for you to choose Dwarves. With 50% defense bonus (which is the highest bonus so far in Kings of Chaos this age), you will be able to defend the attacks of other players, thereby securing your gold for yourself. And with 10% income bonus, you can have more gold to spend on defense weapons, further boosting the thickness of your defense to thwart the attacks of your enemies in the battlefield.
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